Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Love Family But Don't Forget About Yourself

Women have so much to worry about these days with the kids, full time jobs, being the matriarc of the entire family, and many other responsibilities that go unnoticed. I am hear to tell you that the one thing that doesn't need to go under the radar is your health and wellbeing. Many woman forget this particular thing when the family starts and the single life ends. Women (and men alike) have found it difficult to think of themselves first and foremost. It's always the bills, family, dinners, lunches, jobs, and about a thousand other things. Well I am here to tell you that this has to stop TODAY! Maintaining good health will create a sturdy wellbeing and also increase energy, strength, and of course flexibility.
Flexibility is nothing more than being able to move your body more often and more ways without getting in much pain. Cardio workouts help with this and so do exercise routines revolving around yoga, ty-bo, aerobics, dancing, and well you get the idea. Ideally you should be able to involve about 3 days a week at 30 minutes a day.
Increasing strength and improving physical appearance is usually on the top of every woman's (and men) mind at one time or another. Lifting weights helps in this area. You can lift weights to tone your body, create definition, or make yourself stronger. Once again the recommended time for this is between 3 and 5 days a week.
Increasing energy is involved with both weight lifting and cardio (anaerobic and aerobic) The more you excercise your body the better it will be for you in the long run. But here is a surprise for everyone who is reading this right now. The problem 99% of the time is not working out, or creating a routine. It is not sticking with it and convincing yourself you don't have the time. That is an excuse and only an excuse. The truth is nobody "has the time" to do this but those who have decided to make that lifestyle and I mean lifestyle change have been the only ones who have made it a successful venture. So before you start a routine and before you lift a weight, know what you have to do and that it is not a temporary change. If you do everything right you will change you life. That is not an overkilling statement that is right on.
I hope this was a useful read but for more resources to help you with your venture please visit these links: -
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