Thursday, March 13, 2008

Getting into Shape is as easy as 1-2-3

Get into shape, Loss that belly fat, Health and Fitness, Build muscle:
These are all phrases we here or see everyday. There is one common denominator. Effectively change your physical appearance. Everything else that we have learn from these phrases are different. From one workout to the next, all the miracle cures seem to be to good to be true. Well here is a surprise for you and everyone else out there. They are 100% TRUE. The only problem is that when a person look for a miracle, he usually doesn't see it even when it is staring them right in the face. Ab routines, extreme workouts, and cardio videos are all great resources to use when getting yourself into shape. Whether you are working for a complete lifechanging difference or for that extra 10lbs for bikini season, the process is the same. These are the essential bases for any excercise workout:
Step 1: Involve some cardio into your routine. Most of the time the ideal amount would be 30 minutes a day for 3 days a week. Running, yoga, walking, sports, or pretty much anything that can work up a sweat would suffice. I spend time coaching my little girls soccer team. It definitely works up a sweat running after 10 eight-year olds. Cardio is very effective and has a lot of benifits. It boost stamina and endurance, and also increases fexibility and mobility. So if your wanting to runt that 5k or just trying to last the weekend with your kids or grandkids, cardio is an excellent choice.
Step 2: Allowing yourself to get stronger is always a great aspect to improving ourselves. Weight lifting is a fantastic way to increase self confidence and growing more confidence. You can choose to life for definition, tone, or strength and size. It is all up to you. Working out for 2 to 4 days out of the week is optimal. Weight training get mass, size, definition, strength, and many other aspects.
Step 3 Aerobic and Anaerobic exercising are both beneficial improve health and strength but there is one very important step that almost everyone forgets. Nutrition is key. Eating right is paramount. Some say that 3 main meals is necessary but others have said 6 small meals help with the metabolism better. Not eating 2 hours before bed and working out before breakfast helps with the weight loss as well. A well balance between proteins and carb is also needed. Eating right is the best way to increase energy and feel better about yourself.
So, congratulations, you lost the weight. Whether you lost 40 lbs or 200 lbs. doesn't matter. This is the most important piece of advice no website can give to you. KEEP IT OFF!!! Maintainance is the MOST important aspect to getting fit and STAYING fit. Just because you got you goal, doesn't mean that you are done. It is a lifestyle change, and that is a change that should be for good. There is no point in playing the balloon game where you big to little to big to little. Keep your mind in the game and there will be no one that will ever be able to stop you at anything.
I hope this was helpful in starting to rejuvenate your life and everyone you come in contact with. Check out these great resource sites: http://Fit4LifeToday.com
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